
Reiki is an ancient healing technique that originated in Japan. It revolves around the concept of life force energy. This universal energy flows through all living beings, and disruptions or imbalances in this energy can lead to physical, emotional, and mental health issues. The word “Reiki” itself combines “rei” (universal) and “ki” (life force energy), reflecting its purpose of channeling this energy to promote healing. Reiki can do no harm and there is many benefits to Reiki please see below

Reiki with crystal 60 minutes including consultation person £45

Book a number of sessions to receive a discount.

Reiki distance healing £35

Animal Reiki is the offering of Reiki to animals but it involves more than just applying human Reiki knowledge and skills. Animals do not communicate with us in the same way as we converse with one another. They are often not truly understood and similarly they do not always understand our communications or actions. However, animals are inherently more ‘aware of’ and ‘understanding of’ energy. They have used it historically to determine if strangers are friend or foe and many naturally appear to be very accepting of this calm energy.

As with humans, Reiki may benefit animals with physical, mental or emotional issues and consequently this holistic complementary therapy may also be of help for animals with behavioural problems that have an emotional basis or influence.

I trained with Vicky at The Reiki school

Animal reiki in person £35

Animal Reiki distance healing £30


Homemade Reiki-infused candles and wax melts


Reiki facial